GongLab Event Calendar (Link):

A Message from Tom

 We welcome Tom Connally to the Gong Lab! 

My first experience with a Gong Bath was around 10 years ago when I attended one put on by The Gong Lab. For years I've referred to myself as being "High Strung". I always had a hard time slowing down and being present in the moment and my body. My experience that night was transcendental! I remember when it ended thinking "I thought it was supposed to be an hour?". It was, but it felt like minutes.  I was hooked. I would attend whenever Nick & Jim were in town. Over the years since I've developed a daily meditation practice, gotten involved with the local yoga community and become a bit of a Kirtan junkie. I have found each of these practices to be extremely helpful for me on my own personal journey.

Last summer I was getting bodywork done by Nick and he asked me if I'd be interested in joining the Gong Lab. I was hesitant initially due to my own fear of trying new things, but quickly said I'd love to try! My first time participating as a provider was in January of this year and I loved it!! Being present with the gongs learning the intricacies and personality of each, receiving as well as providing.... It was magical! Since that time I've been a participant in 40+ Gong Baths. Each one is different and special in its own way. 

I love to hear people's experiences after a bath and am proud that I can be a channel for the power of sound provided by the gongs.

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